A1 Beginner 80 Hours

This is a special course consisting of 80 classes covering the A1 beginners curriculum. The classes are focused on PPT presentations with mixed authentic material.  Many lessons have printouts so you have a record of the phrases and vocabulary used. 

The classes are:
1. Four units of 20 hours each. Just book packages of 5 lessons at a time to give more flexibility.
2. Power point presentation and mixed medium, articles, images, videos, graphics etc.
3. Available for students from any country of any language. Native Spanish speakers get translations with many of these courses.
4. Homework or assignments (optional). I highly recommend students do the assignments as you need to repeat and recycle.
5. Involves speaking, listening, reading, grammar, pronunciation correction and building vocabulary.
6. For over 18 years old.
7. Please use a laptop and take notes during the class. Using a mobile restricts the effectiveness of the presentations as well how the messaging system works between teacher and student.
8. These classes are taught on ZOOM